Interesting Largest Butterfly is an Atlas Moth

We found the biggest and largest butterfly specie in the world!”, I was very excited as i told the news to my mother and sister. It was my sister who found the butterfly first when she gets the hanging clothes outside in the pepper garden, then she called her son and our mother to to look at it. When I arrived from school, they told me the news and i was excited to see and study the new interesting butterfly specie that visited us. As I Google the facts about the biggest butterfly in the world, similar images are popping out on the screen. Great! This butterfly specie is already documented.
One foot long is the size of the Atlas moth butterfly

Interesting Butterfly Wings

The moment you see this butterfly, you will surely agree that this is interesting. Aside from its over grown wings, the pattern is amazing. If you look closely,  the wings edge form a snake with a head! In fact, its Cantonese name in Hongkong means a snake head moth. It is assumed that this pattern is used by this butterfly to ward off predators. Oops, did i say moth? Yes, it is commonly called as Atlas Moth. It is named as such due to the map pattern in the wings.
Atlas Moth as the largest moth with snake head pattern in the wings is not a butterfly.
Snake head in the wings, Did you see it?

Is it the Biggest Butterfly or Largest Moth?

Is there a difference? Obviously, they are two different species according to my biology teacher in High School. I searched the difference between the two and found out that the wings of butterfly tend to fold backward while the moth's wings movement exhibit less tendency. The body anatomy between the two specie is different due to the absent of frenulum in butterflies but present in moths. Most moths are active at nighttime with some exemptions of other species, while butterflies flies at daytime. Plus, the cocoon made by moth has a silk covering, but butterflies' cocoon is known as chrysalis and without silk covering.

The interesting wing pattern and the wings of this creature is enough to call this a moth. As a clarification, We are visited by the largest moth specie!

No matter what, this creature is beautiful, amazing, and interesting. Don't you think?

Atlas, Largest Specie of Moth is Laying Eggs

Without thorough examination, I assumed that its getting out from its cocoon. I get a camera and proceed to take some photos. As I am taking photographs, I noticed that the moth is not easily disturbed. I thought its normal since it is still early in the afternoon and they are more active at night, but I accidentally touched its wings but I only observed a small movement like a giggle. I thought there is something wrong. As i examined further, the atlas moth is not actually getting out from its cocoon since it is already fully developed, instead its guarding the cocoon. I guess, the moth is laying eggs on this brown fruit-like cocoon, which is made from dried pepper leaves.

Atlas moth behavior in laying eggs in a cocoon.
Knock! Knock! Who's there?

However, this is still disturbing and need to be validated since Atlas Moth lays eggs under the leaf not in a cocoon, based on what i read. Other than that, this atlas moth in the picture is actually a male since it has an antennae. So, what does this male atlas moth doing in the cocoon? Waiting for a female atlas moth to emerge? too early to guess.

Largest Surface Area Size of Atlas Moth

Common size of atlas moth varies according to its sex. Female atlas are larger and heavier than the male moth. It's scientific name is Attacus Atlas.

Atlas Moth Size published in the Internet:

Total Wing Surface Area: 400 cm.2 or 62 in.2
Wing Span: range is 8-11.5 inches or (203 to 290 mm)

Size of this Atlas Moth:

Wing Span: approximately 8 inches
Atlas moth as a largest butterfly with a wing span of 8 inches.
Wing Span: approximately 8 inches

Vertical Wing Length: Approximately 5 inches
Vertical wing length of Atlas Moth is 5 inches.
Vertical Wing Length: Approximately 5 inches

Philippine Atlas Moth

This Atlas Moth is found in Sibonga, Cebu, Philippines. As a native in the area, I can say that this is not common in our place. On the other hand, this is a good sign that they are comfortable in our town. If only I can breed.

Atlas Moth is common in Southeast Asia and in India. The silk secreted by this moth is used in India, while Taiwan made purse out from its cocoons. There are sightings in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines since this specie is widely distributed in the Malay archipelago.

Largest moth is becoming rare in the Philippines. Atlas Moth still survives in Cebu.
Interesting Philippine Atlas Moth
This type of moth lives throughout the year and multiply its number to take flight with higher population in November to January. Probably, this moth is searching for a new mate or laying eggs to breed new Atlas moths to journey in November and will possibly visit your place!

Although it would be exciting to see many Atlas Moth flying, it poses some threat to some plants like sour sop (guyabano), calamansi, lime , guava, rambutan, and pomelo. Now, I know why it's here. Three of these plants is in our garden and these are it's favorite plant to lay its eggs and of course, favorite food. Not to mention, they are a voracious eater when still a young caterpillar. No worries when they became a pupa and become a beautiful butterfly looking moth, they will not bite you.

Butterfly and Moth Guide, Trap, Repellant, and  Garden Music Box

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