Did The Angels Blow Their Trumpets? Strange Sounds Heard All Over The World

A number of simple video with a strange sound goes viral since 2011 and until now, some sources claimed that they have been hearing the same similar sound in some areas. The video posted on YouTube is from reputable news sources compiled into one by the YouTube user +Jason A .

According to the people who heard the sound, it is similar to a trumpet blown. Indeed, as I listened to the video, it is truly hair-raising, especially when you relate the sound to the story of seven angels who blow their trumpets in the bible.
The seven angels will blow their trumpet before apocalypse.
The Seven Angels

Have the Trumpet of the Angels blown already?

In the video, news sources said that no one knows where it came from. One of the News Media reported that

"Geologist says that it's not from the ground, the air force say it's not in the air, the astronomer says it's not in the space".

It has been heard in the U.K., U.S.A, Russia, and some comments under the video says they have been hearing it in Morocco, Canada, Costa Rica, Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Hungary, Switzerland, Ukraine, and others too.

One of the clearest evidence is heard from the baseball field. Everybody who watched the game heard it as the commentator said,

"What could that possibly be, somebody shut the door, it sounds supernatural”.

Those who experienced it, felt the ground was shaking as the 20 minutes boom was heard all over the area, but  there was no wind and no major earthquake reported after.

In the video, when people heard the strange noise, the animals like the dog was scared. What could it possibly be? Aliens? Angels? Or man-made? Or All Natural?

Strange Noise Happening All Over the World According to Youtube

User Witnesses
Witnesses of strange noise around the world.
Note: There are more comments in the video and these are just some of it.
In another similar video. Comments from YouTube Users might explain the science behind it.
The science behind the strange sound heard around the world by YouTube comments.
Note: There are more comments on the YouTube Video.
While the Skeptics and Disbeliever of Strange Noise said it is just a Hoax and the Video is edited.
Comments of the people who heard strange noise from the sky.
Note: There are more skeptics than the people featured here.

The Probe to Trace the Source of Strange Sound

If I would say that it is actually an earthquake. Would you believe? Authorities reported that it is a swarm of minor earthquake. However, it is only a 1.5 magnitude earthquake in the state of Wisconsin. Although, the shaking and the strange sound in Clintonville, Wisconsin is somewhat solved, but the occurrence of the same sound in other parts of the world is yet to be explained. It is possible that they have similar causes, yet still classified as mysterious and interesting until proven.

For conspiracy theorists, the cause isn't natural at all. The Project HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Program) is pointed as the main perpetrator as it sends High Frequency signal to the ionosphere. The popularity of this project rose again after the Super Typhoon Haiyan devastated the larger part of the Philippines. It is the main suspect by conspiracy theorist as it has the technology capable of doing the event and also the strange noise that is heard all over the world.

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