Factors that can Help Math Students Learn Effectively

Math is known as the most difficult subject, but it is not necessarily true. Math is fun, enjoyable, and can be challenging as you want it to be. The impact of the subject on you depends on your perception. I learned that after I attended a Public Speaking class last summer of 2013, wherein half of the class were engineering students.

The opening speech of the professor was about how a person perceive, so perception. She asked, “ How to be an effective communicator?” and the class was silent. She raise another question again, “Did you asked your friends before entering the classroom, who will be your professor?”, there was a slow affirmative answer from other students. “So, you asked how i facilitate a class?” again an affirmative response. Now, “What do you think about me handling this subject?” there was a silence. The professor continued and discussed perception further as the students realized that their perception of the professor or about the subject is detrimental to their learning. Thus, the professor asked to leave behind all types of perception, either negative or positive. The summer class was a success! 

This is a simple analogy for students who are afraid of math subject. As a tutor, may I ask to leave your negative perception of math? I assure you, there is nothing to fear of.

Now, I believe you are ready to learn math effectively. To make it easier, I select some factors that can assess you to get quality lesson.

The MAP TIME Factors for Learning Math

It is an acronym of the method you can use to get the top grade in class.
  • Materials/ Resources
  • Attitude
  • Place
  • Time
  • Inspiration
  • Motivation
  • Exercise


The first thing you need in studying math subject is your attitude. It is your mental preparedness, it does not mean intelligence but your interest to learn the subject. The first factor is the basis on how fast you can learn and the amount of retention of the lessons. Keep an enthusiastic attitude every time you face math subjects, so you can focus the process of solving math problems.


When you are ready to learn or you need to study for your exam, find a comfortable place. In my experience, it is not always the quiet place since different people respond to different method of teaching. A comfortable place depends on the attitude or personality of the person. Multiple intelligence theory can help determine the person's best way to learn. For example, a naturalistic person would learn best under the trees, while a student with higher interpersonal intelligence will learn best together with his classmates as they discuss the solution of the problem. Those who are kinesthetic needs to workout first and sweat to ignite their interest of the subject, while musically inclined person should have a background music as they study. When it comes to intrapersonal people, please be quiet they need to think deep. Comfortable place is subjective, find out yours.


Set a fraction of your daily time to study math. One hour every day is enough to learn something new about mathematics. Identify the best time of the day where your brain respond best. The most healthy time to study is 3 AM (I recommend this), but it can be during your vacant in the daytime or late at night when you get home. However, be sure that one hour everyday is a quality time spent. Meaning, you were able to absorbed the lessons.

Materials, Exercise, Motivation, and Inspiration

Books, online references, syllabus, and calculators will be your best friend in learning math effectively. Imagine, you are a soldier going to a battle. The calculators and books are your weapons. To win the battle, find the best math resources. Do not forget to use them. Do not let them sleep in your backpack or bookshelves.

Remember to exercise your new found knowledge, practice solving math problems. The next time you see a math problem, you don't have to fret. Hence, you will have a greater chance to be a math wizard, especially when you have inspiration and motivation.
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About Juan Viral

Juan Viral is a Pinoy online source of trending videos, photos, tweets, news, and articles.
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